Anushka Acharya
2 min readNov 1, 2020


Tell us a little bit about yourself! What are your hobbies? Why are you studying artificial intelligence? Anything else we should know?

My name is Anushka Acharya. I am 14 years old and in 10th grade. I enjoy math and technology. Outside of school, I do taekwondo and tennis. I am studying artificial intelligence because I believe that it is a beneficial tool that will help change the world.

What was your AI Scholars experience like? Who was your instructor and what was it like working with them? What project did you work on?

My AI Scholars experience was wonderful. I enjoyed learning new techniques and then applying them to solve real-world problems. I had a great time working with my instructor, Eli Wang, on the project of Fake News Detection.

What AI topic will you be writing about in your blog? Describe your topic in detail!

This blog is going to take a look at how AI has been used during the pandemic. It will highlight certain studies and products that use AI to help diagnose or regulate COVID-19 and go into how effective these tools have been.

Who is your target audience? Why should they be interested in your blog?

The target audience is people who are interested in AI applications because this blog will show the relevance of AI in one of the biggest global events happening right now.

What are you hoping to achieve with your blog?

I hope to show people how useful and relevant AI is and educate them on how AI is used to create solutions to problems.

Anushka Acharya is a Student Ambassador in the Inspirit AI Student Ambassadors Program. Inspirit AI is a pre-collegiate enrichment program that exposes curious high school students globally to AI through live online classes. Learn more at

